Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A Year for Reorganizing

As I prepare to teach more fiber-loving classes this year, I am organizing all my supplies. In the process, all those marinading, back-burner projects are showing themselves and begging for attention. For now, I must ask them to take a number, and I will return to each once the great re-org is complete. While talking to my brother last night after wishing him a Happy Birthday, I realized that having multiple projects in many places is a family trait. Perhaps I am doomed by both nature and nurture.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Happy Spring!?

Just a short post to welcome you to my musings. A special welcome to all those I live far from and don't get to talk to very often. Here, the sun is shining and the crocus buds are up. Spring can't be far away, can it? After all, we are approximately halfway to the Spring Equinox (and, therefore, officially starting Spring by some calendars).

I'm working on several projects at the moment, many of which will start to find their way into posts. Perhaps posting about them will get me to finish more. I can only hope. In the meanwhile, raise a glass: may it be full of inspiration!